Real Time GUI Currency Converter in Python

2 min readJul 12, 2021


To create a real time currency converter with Python, we first need to install and import the library of Tkinter and Request. It is an intermediate project where we will use web APIs, HTTP requests, and a GUI module.

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

This project will Guide you in creating your own real time GUI based currency converter using python libraries.

Python libraries required: Tkinter and Requests module

Tkinter helps in creating the GUI of the project and Requests helps in communicating with the servers of exchange rate API by getting HTTP request.

Open the terminator for installing libraries

pip install tkinter
pip install requests

Open your Python IDE and lets get started with your project

create the file and start writing your code.

Import all the necessary python libraries

import requests
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

Here is my GitHub project link from where you can download the source code and can run into your local machine.

Output of the following code will be :

Overview of the Project
Processing of the Project




I understand having a healthy balance between perfectionism and pragmatism. One thing I try to live by, is to keep things as simple as possible.